Der Kreditprozess innerhalb der Bank

Der Kreditprozess innerhalb der Bank

Der Kreditprozess vom Erstgespräch bis zur Kreditrückzahlung stellt im Kommerzkundengeschäft einer Bank einen standardisiert ablaufenden Prozess dar, der seitens des Bankkunden strukturell nicht wirklich verändert werden kann.

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About Ralph Pöttinger
Ralph Poettinger is a managing director at institutional investor Alpine Group with about € 100 million in assets under management. He also acts as a globally active advisor, author, and speaker on value-driving corporate development for strategically growing his clients’ enterprises, and is a lecturer on corporate finance at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. His ideas are directed at entrepreneurially-minded people who want to utilise change to earn freedom, security, success, and the respect of the world.